Even as college graduates battle for jobs, high school graduates are agonizing over which major they should apply for at university.
Chen Zengan, human resources manager at Boya Software, says working as interns can help graduates adapt more quickly to an office environment.
Chinese owners of villas are now forking out big bucks for their landscaping.
There is life after Broadway
The two teenagers met inside an ice cream factory through darting glances before roll call.
Deng Xinpei says that having 20 family members and friends wave goodbye at Guangzhou Airport made her feel good.
Jeb Corliss believes humans can fly like birds and has proven it by jumping from Paris' Eiffel Tower, Seattle's Space Needle and the Petronas Twin Towers in Malaysia.
Young soldiers stationed in remote outposts fill their time playing a computer game their commander feels will help them deal better with real-life scenarios.
Translation services are the nation's latest money spinners but cut-throat competition is leading to indifferent quality.
The Jinan Military Command's well-equipped special mission unit is an extremely versatile group capable of completing various land, sea and air tasks.
Jewish and Arab, straight and gay, secular and religious, the patients who come to Assuta Hospital in Tel Aviv every day are united by a single hope.