Top 10 Summer Resorts in China

Updated: 2012-07-13 17:25


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 6. Zhangjiajie

Top 10 Summer Resorts in China

Zhangjiajie in Hunan province

Top 10 Summer Resorts in China

Zhangjiajie in Hunan province

Zhangjiajie is located in the northwest of Hunan province. Due to its unique geology and landform, Zhangjiajie became one of the first recognized World Natural Heritages and World Geo-parks in China.

Zhangjiajie is a surreal world. A land of sandstone pillars towering above mist-shrouded ravines, pristine waters gently flowing under dense forests, rapids thundering, birds singing and animals leaping, that's Zhangjiajie.

Zhangjiajie's main tourist draw is the Wulingyuan Scenic Area, which boasts lush vegetation, unique sandstone pillars, pristine water and a wide variety of flora and fauna. Wulingyuan contains three major sights, including Zhangjiajie Forest Park, Suoxi Vale, and Tianzi Mountain, covering a total of 396 square kilometers.

At present, Zhangjiajie scenic zone is accessible by flight, railway and expressway. It has sound tourist infrastructure. In particular, its sightseeing lifts, sightseeing cableway, overhead village road attract numerous visitors home and abroad.
