The major challenges will be to improve productivity despite cost increases and also energy-saving and environmental protection.
With rapid development after opening-up and reform for 30 years, China's economic development will switch to a moderate pace.
Nowadays, as some costs, for example labor and raw materials, increase, maintaining business output will require productivity efficiency.
In the past, environmental destruction and energy shortages are the price we paid for economic development.
Now, air pollution in major cities like Beijing is a sign of the problems that industrial development brings.
Energy not only drives machines, but also powers a country's progress.
Exploration of renewable energy resources and maximizing the utility rate of fossil fuels would be the ideal solutions.
A talent shortage and increasing labor costs are the main concerns today. To maintain competitiveness in its China operations, Bosch needs more talent.
This is no easy task. Meanwhile, given rising labor costs, improving productivity and maintaining profitability will also become a challenge.
Regulations and plans for emissions reduction and the environment have taken effect in recent years, which shows the government's determination.
However, beyond control itself, we hope regulations and laws can be strictly implemented and monitored.
We also hope the new leadership will consider an incentive program for diesel cars to help reduce energy consumption.