BEIJING - The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) on Friday issued guidelines that will enable securities companies to incorporate the pilot program for private equity (PE) investments into their regular businesses.
The price of imported infant formula milk continues to surge, putting pressure on families.
Two private enterprises out of a total of 69 Chinese companies have been listed in the Fortune Global 500 for 2010.
The Ministry of Land and Resources and the Ministry of Supervision publicized a list on Thursday of 73 officials from 31 cities and counties who had been punished for various infractions connected to the illegal use of land.
Foreign investors are betting big on property projects in second-and third-tier cities
An unusual panda is the rising star in Europe's fashion circles
New quality standards to sound death knell for dairy communes
Businesses should tinker with strategies to combat rising raw material prices
The financial crisis has dealt a hard blow to low-end Chinese manufacturers with international demand declining sharply
'Pen capital' goes back to drawing board for answers to economic changes taking shape in Zhejiang
High schoolers finding bargains for dream dresses on Chinese websites
High-speed trains keep China's economic engine chugging along Despite obstacles