China and South Africa on Sept 29 signed two deals on geology and mineral resources.
The Chinese government will focus on improving the quality, coordination and overall competitiveness of its economic growth.
China's top economic planner announced it will raise the minimum purchase prices for wheat from farmers in 2012 to boost grain output.
Chinese social-networking company Renren Inc said on Sept 27 it will buy - an online video-sharing site - for $80 million in cash.
Liu Qiangdong decided to move his counter space into cyberspace.
It's clear aigo Digital Technology Co Ltd president Feng Jun has been insanely successful in the domestic electronics market.
Huawei Technologies Co Ltd, the world's second-largest network equipment maker, expects its mobile phone sales to hit 14 billion yuan this year.
A detailed plan is expected to come out at the end of the year for the joint development of a trade zone in DPRK along the border.
Chongqing city officials say owners of plush residential properties must pay their property taxes in October or face harsh punishments.
China encouraged the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) to follow a development path that best suits its situation.
After 30 years of unprecedented economic growth, the commercial elite are looking for ways to put their money into the hands of those less fortunate.
China and India launched a Strategic Economic Dialogue in a sign that both Asian powers are seeking closer economic ties.