5 students hospitalized after eating rat poison

Updated: 2013-12-25 16:37

By ZHENG CAIXIONG (chinadaily.com.cn)

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Five primary school students have to be immediately sent to Guangzhou Children's Hospital for treatment after they ate rat poison on Dec 24, which had been put on a flower terrace in Guangzhou's Baiyun district, Nanfang Daily reported.

The 6-year-olds who are first-grade students of a Chinese-English language primary school in Baiyun district mistook the rat poison for peanuts while playing in front of the terrace after lunch.

They immediately felt sick and developed headaches and had to be sent to a nearby hospital to have their stomach's pumped.

The victims were transferred to Guangzhou Children's Hospital for further treatment when their conditions deteriorated in the evening.

The school admitted it failed to put a sign warning not to eat the rat poison.

The school paid the medical bills for all the students.
