Rural doctors awarded for sacrifices

Updated: 2014-03-12 19:02

By Han Bingbin (

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Ten rural doctors have been crowned the country's "most beautiful" in their profession, in an annual selection initiated by China Central Television to spotlight doctors who sacrifice their personal interests to improve medical care levels in the countryside.

Since October 2013, CCTV has sent reporters to 19 provinces in search of the most respected doctors and their "touching stories". A series of 10 documentaries featuring those doctors has aired on CCTV's science and education channel since Feb 9. The State-run TV station also launched a website to encourage netizens to participate in the search by videotaping such touching moments.

In addition to the tributes paid, the 10 doctors will each be awarded 200,000 yuan ($32,550) to improve their medical practices. Ten third-grade and class-A hospitals were assigned to help the winning doctors with their medical endeavors.

Li Bin, director of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, said during the award presentation ceremony that the government will keep improving medical reform policies, as well as improving the working conditions and living benefits of China's rural doctors.
