Airfield in Antarctica to expand footprint

Updated: 2014-10-29 07:52

By Agence France-Presse(China Daily USA)

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China will build its own airfield in Antarctica, media reported on Monday, as Beijing continues to expand its footprint in the most remote corners of the globe.

The airstrip will be built to support China's four research stations on the frozen continent, Beijing Evening News said, without giving details such as runway length or capacity.

"China has built four research stations in Antarctica, but does not have its own fixed-wing airport," the news-paper said.

Researchers "must rely on maritime transport", it said, which was "seriously affecting scientific exploration".

The facility will be built near China's Zhongshan Station, it said without citing a source. Zhongshan is on coast of Antarctica near the Larsemann Hills, southwest of Australia.

Media said in April that the Xuelong, or Snow Dragon, icebreaker had completed China's 30th expedition to Antarctica, three decades after the country's first mission to the continent.

The ship will leave Shanghai on Thursday for another expedition that will include the development of plans for the air-port, the News said.

About 30 countries, all signatories of the 1959 Antarctic Treaty, operate research bases in Antarctica. The pact aims to reduce the likelihood of confrontations involving territorial disputes there.

(China Daily USA 10/29/2014 page6)
