Chinese Dream and billionaires
Comment on "Nation has record number of billionaires" (China Daily, Oct 17)
I read the article on Chinese billionaires in the Oct 17 edition of China Daily. As an expatriate living in China for the past 10 years, I failed to comprehend the real message the article wanted to convey to readers.
Perhaps the article wanted to say that China has been doing exceptionally well, and as proof it has the increasing number of billionaires to show. Or maybe, it wanted young Chinese people to know that the Chinese Dream will indeed be realized.
However, in my opinion the Chinese Dream will be realized when at least half of China's population can be classified as middle class, when employers will treat their employees with fairness, when most Chinese people will be able to obtain a loan from banks on fair terms to buy a reasonably priced house. I think that will be the time to celebrate.
Giorgio Ronzani, via e-mail
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(China Daily 10/28/2013 page9)