Li Hengda: Taking art to an ever higher level

Updated: 2015-04-24 11:25

By Linda Deng in Seattle(China Daily USA)

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Li Hengda: Taking art to an ever higher level

Li Hengda (right) performs the dance Butterfly Lovers in 1987 in Beijing. Provided to China Daily

Sometimes being a great dancer just isn't enough.

Li Hengda, founder of the American Asian Performing Arts Theatre and Hengda Dance Academy, is not only a celebrated dancer and art educator in Seattle, but an artist who is dedicated to promoting Chinese classic dance and sharing more Chinese art with the world.

Before Li immigrated to the US, he was already a highly regarded dancer, officially recognized in China as one of the seven "State First-Class Artists" in 1987.

A graduate of the Shenyang Dance Academy and Beijing Dance Academy, Li won three championships in China including a perfect score in China's Taoli Cup.

Limastered both China's classical and folk forms, but with few opportunities to perform in 1980s, he studied Russian ballet to broaden his horizons.

When he visited the US, Pacific Northwest Ballet's artistic director Kent Stowell saw him perform and invited him to join his company.

Arriving in the US in 1990, Li became one of the main soloists with Pacific Northwest Ballet (PNB) until the summer of 1996.

In 1993, Li founded the Hengda Dance Academy,where he has developed and taught his own style of dance, mixing Eastern and Western traditions. It was the first professional Chinese Dance Academy established in the Pacific Northwest in Seattle. More than 100 students ranging in age from 4 to adult signed up for a curriculum that included Chinese ethnic and folk dance, basic ballet skills, international ballroom and social dancing and aerobics.

From 1995 through 2002, the academy's students received numerous prizes in dance competitions. Some senior students received awards in the 3rd Chinese Taoli Cup National Dance Competition in China.

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