A runner crowd-surfs after finishing The Color Run outside Wembley Stadium in London, July 14, 2013. The Color Run is a five kilometre, un-timed race, held in cities across the US and also worldwide, with the aim of promoting healthy living, and the organizers choose a charity to benefit in each of the cities the run visits. Participants are doused from head to toe in different colours at each kilometre. [Photo/Agencies]
A runner is picked up by a friend as they are sprayed with cold water after finishing The Color Run outside Wembley Stadium in London, July 14, 2013. The Color Run is a five kilometre, un-timed race, held in cities across the US and also worldwide, with the aim of promoting healthy living, and the organizers choose a charity to benefit in each of the cities the run visits. Participants are doused from head to toe in different colours at each kilometre. [Photo/Agencies]