Visiting Vice-Premier Ma Kai said China is willing to speed up the pace with the European side to launch negotiations on the long-awaited investment pact while urging the European Union to take concrete measures to facilitate visa and work permit application for Chinese investors to Europe.
“We applauded that European Commission has obtained mandate to negotiate an investment pact with China and we are willing to speed up the pace (to launch the negotiation),” said Ma at a news conference after the fourth EU-China High-Level Economic and Trade Dialogue held in Brussels on Thursday.
Ma said he is looking forward to concrete measures from the European side to make visa application and work permits for the Chinese easier as a growing number of Chinese businesses have shown strong interest in investing in Europe.
The European Commission expected to launch the investment negotiation at the EU-China leaders summit scheduled in November in Beijing.
Ma said both sides have showed strong will to upgrade the bilateral economic and trade cooperation into a new level, adding that both sides will be cautious to employ trade remedies to solve frictions and disputes. “We agreed to solve disputes and frictions through dialogues and consultations first,” said Ma.
Applauding the fourth EU-China High-Level Economic and Trade Dialogue a complete success, Ma said China will continue its stances of supporting EU’s economic recovery and its process of integration.