Tunisia's interim president Fouad Mebazaa on Sunday named former minister Beji Caid-Essebsi as the country's new prime minister shortly after Mohammed Ghannouchi resigned from his position.
Hundreds of armed anti-government forces appeared to be readying to repel an expected offensive by surrounding forces loyal to Muammar Gadhafi.
A judicial committee for drafting constitutional amendments in Egypt proposed Saturday to reduce the length of presidential term to four years and impose a two-term limit on the president
US President Barack Obama on Saturday stepped up pressure on Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, saying that he should leave now.
Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd on Saturday said Libya is in a state of effective civil war and any Australians remaining in the country need to get out now.
In a packed General Assembly hall, the public repeatedly chanted "Women's rights are human rights" to officially launch UN Women, the newest UN organ fabricated to advocate gender equality and the empowerment of women.
Following are details of countries and companies evacuating nationals and employees from Libya or closing operations due to the political turmoil.
The seven "red-shirt" leaders released from jail earlier this week planned to run in the next general election.
People clash with police during a protest against the country's auterity policies to deal with a debt crisis.
Britain refused on Wednesday to rule out using armed forces to rescue 170 Britons stranded in the Libyan desert after an appeal for help by desperate oil industry workers.
Greek police fired tear gas at scores of protesters on Wednesday as thousands of people marched through Athens as part of a general strike to protest government austerity measures.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has warned of the danger that fanatics may seize power in the Arab world, which may directly affect the situation in Russia for decades long.