Fifty-seven percent of Israelis said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should not have rejected US President Barack Obama's outline for Mideast peace, according to a telephone survey conducted by the Ma'ariv daily Tuesday night.
First Lady Michelle Obama is to meet with students from a London secondary school she visited in 2009 to discuss their educational goals.
French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde announced on Wednesday her candidacy for the managing director of the International Monetary Fund.
The G8 Summit will take a new direction by focusing on the Internet, green growth and nuclear safety issues.
Four UN helicopters were shot at, probably by militias allied to north Sudan, in the central region in Abyei but the crews landed safely, a UN spokeswoman said on Wednesday.
NASA is ending attempts to regain contact with the long-lived Mars exploration rover Spirit, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) announced Tuesday.
Yemen's President Ali Abdullah Saleh said on Wednesday he would not be dragged into civil war despite clashes with the leader of a powerful tribal confederation who has sided with protesters seeking his ouster.
A NATO service member has been killed in an explosion in southern Afghanistan, the military alliance said Wednesday.
A NATO airstrike killed 19 people and injured over 130 others in Tripoli overnight Tuesday, a government spokesman said.
President Barack Obama is plunging back into the complex security debates over Afghanistan, Libya and uprisings in the Middle East.
South African President Jacob Zuma plans to visit Tripoli next week to discuss an exit strategy for Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi in cooperation with the Turkish government, Talk Radio 702 reported on Wednesday.
France wants better regulation of the Internet. Google's executive chairman says policymakers should tread lightly and avoid "stupid" rules.