The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China concluded on Nov 14 after making some amendments to the CPC Constitution.
But even before the Party Constitution had been amended, many Western media outlets and commentators were ready to twist and distort the outcome - no matter what it would be - and glorify the Western political system. But the rumors that China would deviate from the road of socialism were pure rubbish, and it is important for China not to allow such canards to resonate louder than its own voice of reason.
China should not try to "appease" the West on this point. Instead, it should proceed determinedly to establish socialism with Chinese characteristics in the country. In practice, it would be a continuously evolving system, which, while successful economically, be in sharp contrast to what has been promoted by the West.
In Western countries, markets are supposed to dictate the direction of economies, social systems and even national development. Markets rule in Western countries because they are above political systems, elections and the people. In contrast, the Chinese model is to make the economy, markets and production serve the people.
Apart from other important issues, the 18th CPC Congress also paid great attention to the environment. The health of the environment is closely related to not only the well-being of the nation, but also of the entire planet. In his speech, CPC General Secretary Hu Jintao stressed the Party's desire to "reverse the trend of ecological deterioration and build a beautiful China". If successful, the Chinese development model could establish harmony between nature and the people.
After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, some Western politicians, media outlets and observers concluded that socialism had been dwarfed by Western democracy, which was far from true. The Soviet Union made the strategic mistake of competing with the United States for hegemony by sacrificing its people's livelihood, which led to a distorted economic structure and ultimately its collapse.
The CPC learnt a lesson from the Soviet Union's mistake. And although the Chinese economy comprises many improved elements of Lenin's New Economic Policy, the Chinese system - unlike that of the Soviet Union - is mixed and flexible and, despite imperfections, designed to serve the nation and its people.