Regions release H1 per capita disposable income

Updated: 2012-07-27 14:46


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Shanghai urban residents' per capita disposable income of 20,689 yuan ($3,243) topped 18 provincial administrative regions in the first half of 2012, reported on Wednesday citing the statistic released by these regions.

The Shanghai urban residents' per capita disposable income, 8.6 percent more than that during the same period of 2011, is more than 11,439.4 yuan higher than that in Ningxia Hui autonomous region, 9,249.6 yuan, at the bottom.

Zhejiang province's urban residents' per capita disposable income, 18,802 yuan, up 11.7 percent year-on-year, overtook Beijing to the second position. Beijing's 18,154 yuan ranked third.

The national urban residents' per capita disposable income is 12,509 yuan in the first half of this year, registered a 9.7 percent year-on-year real increase adjusted for price changes, according to the National Bureau of Statistics.

As of July 24, 18 municipalities, provinces and autonomous regions released the regional urban residents' per capita disposable income data, and the figures of six regions are higher than the nation's 12,509 yuan. The per capita disposable income of 12 provinces were below the nation's level.
