DOHA - Chief of Chinese delegation to the UN climate conference said Monday that the extension of the Kyoto Protocol and implementation of finance support by rich countries are of central importance for the negotiations.
Xie Zhenhua, deputy head of China's National Development and Reform Commission, made the remarks at a high-level forum at the Chinese corner of the climate talks in Doha, Qatar.
Xie, who arrived in Doha Sunday for the talks' high-level segment, said a ratifiable and legally binding amendment of the Kyoto Protocol needs to be worked out in Doha so that the treaty can enter an extension right after its first commitment period expires at the end of 2012.
The protocol is the only legally binding climate accord that requires industrialized countries to make quantified carbon emission cuts, which underscores the importance of a second commitment period.
According to the Chinese delegation, the negotiations on the extension center on its length, its emission reduction targets, ways to ensure its fast implementation, and some technical issues such as the carry-over of surplus "hot air" quota from the first commitment period.
The Chinese climate official also stressed that finance support for developing countries' adaptation and mitigation of climate change is another important issue in Doha.
He urged more information to be made transparent about the developed countries' financial support for their developing peers, both on the Fast Start finance and on the more ambitious Green Climate Fund.
"Who donated how much to whom for what, as well as the results, need to be made transparent," Xie said. "Real implementation of the $30 billion Fast Start and plans for the financial support from 2013 to 2020 needed to be ensured."
He further said that the Doha conference should be one about implementation of the consensus reached in previous talks, which is vital for boosting bilateral confidence and trust in global efforts to fight climate change.
With respect to the Durban Platform, Xie said negotiations on that track should respect the principles of equity, "common but differentiated responsibilities," and respective capabilities. He also pledged openness and flexibility on the part of China if previous fruits and promises were upheld.
The Durban Platform, installed in late 2011, is set to replace the Long-term Cooperative Action (LCA) for climate talks after Doha.
The Chinese corner's forum was joined by Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, who expressed confidence that the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol will be agreed on in Doha.
Figueres also praised China's initiatives in energy efficiency and renewable energy, recognizing its achievement of 1.5 billion tons of greenhouse gas cut from 2005 to 2010 and hailing its ambition to make even greater reduction in the next five years.