Wen pledges economic co-op with Egypt

Updated: 2012-08-29 19:46


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BEIJING - Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao here on Wednesday pledged to strengthen trade and economic cooperation between China and Egypt.

In a meeting with visiting Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, Wen said the two countries' economic and trade cooperation, based on equality and reciprocity, is in both sides' fundamental interests.

He called on the two sides to make full use of existing mechanisms, strengthen planning and explore new areas of cooperation.

China and Egypt should coordinate more closely, so as to ensure both ongoing and settled projects proceed smoothly, according to the premier.

Wen expressed the hope that the two sides will carry out more cooperation in the fields concerning people's livelihood and development, so as to benefit more common people and improve Egypt's production capacity.

He also called on the two sides to improve laws and regulations on investment promotion and protection, so as to create good environments for bilateral cooperation.

Morsi said Egypt is in a special historical period, and developing its relations with China is of vital importance.

He added that Egypt has mapped out a long-term development plan, and is ready to strengthen cooperation with China in areas including trade, investment, electronic information, infrastructure construction and agriculture.

Egypt will also provide facilities for Chinese companies to expand in the African market, said the president.

On the same day, other Chinese leaders including Vice President Xi Jinping and top legislator Wu Bangguo also met with Morsi, who will conclude his China visit on Thursday.
