Factories busted for fake medicine

Updated: 2012-09-10 20:38

By Wang Qingyun (chinadaily.com.cn)

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The drugs watchdog in Anhui province has swooped down on companies suspected of making fake traditional Chinese medicine.

The provincial bureau suspended production at eight factories, withdrew the manufacturing licenses of six, and began the investigation of 12 more.

The State Food and Drug Administration released the information on Sept 8.

According to the statement, the companies were found to have dyed medicines with inedible pigment, added aluminous and magnesian salt to make them heavier, or used fake or less effective materials.

Such behavior "is serious and abominable", the SFDA said.

"Some of the medicines produced by these companies have been out on the market," the statement said. "The SFDA requires food and drug administrations to strengthen inspections to prevent unqualified medicine from going to hospitals, pharmacies or becoming materials for other drugs."

Anhui has a large number of factories and companies producing and selling traditional Chinese medicine.
