Chinese sign language video dictionary is a first

Updated: 2014-11-25 07:10

By Liu Zhihua(China Daily)

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Many people, including professional sign-language teachers, sign-language TV presenters, people with hearing or speaking problems and their families, volunteered to pose for the videos.

Despite lacking professional cameramen and editors, the charity earlier this year managed to upload the first group of videos, which allowed learners to look up a word by searching and retreiving.

Words selected for the video dictionary are those commonly used in daily life, especially those related to medical treatment, because safety is the most important need for people who are physically challenged, Hong says.

There are now more than 1,000 words in the video dictionary, but not one is related to wars, Hong notes.

As of now, more than 40 people are involved in making the dictionary; half of them are people with hearing or speaking impediments and their families.

Hong is excited that so many Chinese citizens are learning about the video dictionary from media reports.

"It is a good thing that more and more people try to understand the world of people with hearing or speaking problems. That is our ultimate aim."

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