Comment on "Warning to all, don't separate Hongkongers from the Chinese" (China Daily HK edition, Jan 5)
After having read the article on the identity survey carried out by the University of Hong Kong, I am curious to know what made the reporter call it (or more specifically the results) "dangerous", because the phrasing comes across as rather dramatic in this context. What exactly is the perceived "danger" here?
Furthermore, are the results that surprising, in the sense that Hongkongers may not necessarily feel that closely associated with their counterparts on the Chinese mainland? The author uses the example of New Yorkers and Americans as a comparison and how "people with a normal mindset" would consider it illogical to differentiate between the two.
One can always discuss the purpose and academic quality/relevance of the survey, but referring to it as dangerous seems to be an overreaction - there are dangers out there, but this survey is hardly one of them.
Viktor Berglind, via e-mail
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