Comment on "Free education expands to 15 years in Tibet" (China Daily , Jan 17)
I was very pleased to read about free schooling for children in Tibet. This is an outstanding proposal from the Chinese government. This act will benefit the region greatly in years to come. Children are the future so this investment is not just an investment for the children themselves, but also an investment in the future of the region. A well-educated country is a strong country, just as a well-educated man is a strong man.
Education is crucial to a successful life. The better the education the more opportunities a person will have when they try to find a job. I believe that receiving an education is a luxury because not every one is blessed with the opportunity to receive it, especially for children living in poverty.
The director of Tibet's educational department announced not only imparting free schooling but also opening new kindergartens, vocational high schools and senior high schools. This act will provide more jobs for teachers and faculty. These new schools will also make current schools less crowded, which will lead to a better education for the students.
The amount of 2.6 billion yuan (about $411 million) is a lot of cash, but it is an investment that is well worth it for the nation. I hope that the American government will notice China's example and try to benefit the budgeting for our own school systems.
Curtis LaMotte, via e-mail
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