Hold mainstream of China-ASEAN relations

Updated: 2012-04-09 13:34


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The 20th ASEAN Summit is mainly aimed at accelerating the integration of ASEAN countries and making preparations for establishing a large unified ASEAN market. However, if we read the news reports from some Western media, we will have such an impression: the South China Sea issue involving only a few ASEAN countries is the most important topic of the 20th ASEAN Summit.

Some Western media and a few countries' actions of distorting the theme of the ASEAN Summit, deliberately exaggerating the South China Sea issue, creating confrontation between China and the ASEAN and even claiming “withstanding the pressure from China to solve the South China Sea issue” are actually severe disturbance for promoting the integration process of the ASEAN. Some large external countries' action of sensationalizing the South China Sea issue by making use of the ASEAN Summit shows once again their intention of seizing dominance in regional affairs.

However, the mainstream of the China-ASEAN relations is strengthening the common development and cooperation between China and the ASEAN. What the ASEAN wants to do first is to boost its development, reduce the obstacles on its way of development, and expand its achievements by deepening its cooperation with China, Japan and South Korea.

Making the South China Sea a sea of peace conforms to the general development trend and is a common interest of China and the ASEAN. Since the “Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea” was signed 10 years ago, no large-scale military conflict has occurred in the South China Sea and no news about a country losing its freedom of navigation in the South China Sea has been heard. Some large external countries intend to seize the dominance of the region and deliberately damaging the China-ASEAN relations. This is the reason why they hype the South China Sea issue at the ASEAN Summit.

China never opposes making the “Rules on Conduct in the South China Sea” with ASEAN countries and is always open for discussing about the “Rules on Conduct in the South China Sea” at the right time. China is willing to actively promote the implementation of the “Declaration,” carry out practical cooperation with ASEAN countries, and meanwhile discuss with them about making the “Rules on Conduct in the South China Sea.”

The developments of China, ASEAN and all other Asian countries benefit much from a peaceful and steady regional environment. The cooperation between China and the ASEAN has made abundant achievements. The mutual economic dependence between China and the ASEAN has reached an unprecedented high level. The atmosphere of mutual trust and positive conditions for solving the South China Sea issue is gradually forming.

The ASEAN Summit is not a proper occasion for discussing the South China Sea issue and it will take long to solve the issue. Currently, what should be done first is to build up the trust among the related countries. Strengthening the negotiation and communication in a constructive way and creating mutual-benefit and win-win situations in some cooperative areas will be helpful for creating a positive atmosphere for solving the South China Sea issue.
