RAROTONGA, Cook Islands - US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will depart for the Cook Islands, Indonesia, China, Timor-Leste, Brunei, and Russia on Aug 30.
In the Cook Islands, Clinton will attend the Pacific Islands Forum Post Forum Dialogue on Aug 31.
The US State spokesperson Victoria Nuland said in a statement that Clinton's visit will emphasize the depth and breadth of American engagement across economic, people to people, strategic, environmental, and security interests.
The visit also represents a concerted effort to strengthen regional multilateral institutions, develop bilateral partnerships, and build on alliances three core elements of US strategy toward the Asia-Pacific.
She will lead the highest-level US interagency delegation in the 41-year history of the Forum with senior officials from the Departments of State, Defense, and Interior.
She will travel to Jakarta after the Post-Forum Dialouge in Cook Islands.