DAMASCUS - A Syrian official source slammed the decision of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi to cut off diplomatic relations with Damascus as "irresponsible."
Morsi's calls for a foreign intervention and imposing a no fly zone on Syria constitute an infringement upon the region's sovereignty and serve only the interests of Israel and the United States, said the unnamed source, whose remarks were carried by the state-TV.
A day earlier, Egypt's President Morsi said he had decided to cut off all diplomatic relations with Syria and close the Syrian embassy in Cairo. He also urged the Western powers to impose a no-fly zone on Syria.
"We condemn Morsi's irresponsible stance that mirrors his attempt to implement the agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood," the Syrian source said, scoffing that Morsi should have saved his "enthusiasm" to the time when he boycotts Israel that is still killing Palestinians.
For his part, Syria's Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi said he wished if Morsi had declared ending diplomatic relations with Israel instead.
Morsi's stance, alongside other anti-Syrian government countries, came against the backdrop of sweeping victories by the Syrian army on several fronts in the country.