CAIRO - Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood (MB) group said early Monday that it is willing to accept initiatives for national reconciliation on condition of the return of ousted President Mohamed Morsi.
"Despite the bitterness we all suffer, the group is willing to accept the initiatives provided by sincere people who call for the return of complete legitimacy, including the president, the (suspended) constitution and the (dismantled) Shura Council, the country's upper house of parliament," said the group in a statement.
After Morsi's return, the statement continued, the president would start a national dialogue on disputed issues "to avoid bloodshed of the Egyptian people and to get the country out of the dark tunnel."
"The group will not compromise legitimacy and will not accept an alternative," the statement said. It warned that the MB members are willing to offer more sacrifices for Morsi and his legitimacy.
The statement referred to Morsi's ouster as "a conspiracy," and "a military coup against legitimacy."
On Wednesday, the army ousted Morsi in response to millions of people who took to the streets to protest against the Islamist-oriented president's "poor performance" and "maladministration."
Morsi's supporters, believed to be outnumbered by his opponents, marched nationwide demanding his return.
Meanwhile, Adli Mansour, who has been sworn in as the country's interim president, on Sunday recommended opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei as vice president and financial expert Ziad Bahaa-Eddin as interim prime minister.