One Chinese killed, three injured in Laos in militant attack

Updated: 2016-03-02 15:13


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VIENTIANE - One Chinese national was killed and three others injured in an attack by unidentified militants in Lao Phoukhoun district of Luang Prabang Province Tuesday evening, the Chinese consulate-general in Luang Phrabang confirmed Wednesday.

The attack happened around 7 pm local time which was aimed at a shed of a Chinese-invested company, killing one Chinese worker and injuring three others. The injured were sent to the hospital of Luang Prabang for treatment, the consulate-general said.

Another attack was staged at the same district by the militants around 8 pm local time, said the consulate-general. A passing bus from Laos capital Vientiane to Phongsaly Province was attacked and three Lao nationals were hurt. A pickup was also attacked, leading to injuries of at least two Lao people.

After the attacks, the army of Luang Prabang Province was sent to wipe out the militants.
