Don't delay, get away today

2012-05-14 07:04:01

Sun Dongchun is the author of The Delayed Gap Year, the first book on the topic to be published in China. Sun travelled for 13 months from late 2006 to early 2008 in Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, India, Pakistan, Nepal and also in China's Yunnan province and the autonomous regions of Xinjiang and Tibet. He now lives in Japan.

Nurse eases last days of patients

2012-05-11 07:24:29

The patients in nurse Sun Xianghong's palliative care unit have more control over their environment than those in other wards, and can even change the color of the walls in their rooms.

Everything that's fit to eat

2012-05-10 07:28:56

According to the story, US president Theodore Roosevelt threw his breakfast sausages out of the window after reading about conditions in Chicago's meatpacking industry.

Tribute to a great man

2012-04-29 07:04:04

Shaanxi businessman spends millions on a memorial hall for Chairman Mao

Lottery lover finds stories in tickets

2012-04-29 07:04:04

Chen Jiquan rummages through the box of scraps of paper and randomly picks up one of the more than 16,000 lottery tickets stuffed in there.

Clinic really floats his boat

2012-04-27 07:25:13

A boathouse anchored in a sparkling lake surrounded by mountains. Sounds like a wonderful place to set up a medical clinic?

Loving inventions

2012-04-26 07:31:27

Retired engineer Liu Tie'er has received nationwide attention for inventing a wheelchair that is able to climb stairs.

Eyes of a Cat

2012-04-22 09:13:13

Peggy Chien, a Taiwan photographer, captures the island from a feline's angle.

Tuning up a fine life

2012-04-20 07:21:47

When successful businessman Ping Anjun climbs onto the stage next month in Beijing, it won't be to explain how he made his fortune in real estate.

Officer amasses big Lei Feng collection

2012-04-19 15:31:33

Wu Xiyou, a 32-year-old company commander in the People's Liberation Army's (PLA) Shenyang Military Region, is known for his large collection of Lei Feng memorabilia.

In Swahili, they call it ...

2012-04-19 08:07:42

When Shen Yuning announced he was planning to compile a Swahili-Chinese dictionary, most of his friends thought he was joking.

Disabled farmers hope to reap brighter future

2012-04-18 22:39:12

The farmer in Changling county, Jilin province, who is paralyzed and uses a wheelchair, had been worrying about the grain products grown by him and his fellow co-workers, most of whom are also farmers with disabilities.