Blocking investment from China will hurt the United States more than China, Ministry of Commerce spokesman Shen Danyang said Friday.
It was not a coincidence that Chinese construction equipment maker Sany Group sued US President Barack Obama and Chinese telecommunications company Huawei was cleared of espionage suspicions by a White House-ordered review.
Delegates from Alabama have visited Shanghai to talk about investment opportunities in the United States, with emphasis on the advantages of investing in the state.
The US government launched anti-dumping duty and countervailing duty investigations against imports of hardwood and decorative plywood from China.
Although musicals have been performed in China for many years, they remain an exotic cultural pursuit for many local people.
From New York subway-train ads featuring its handsets to slick, national TV commercials introducing its name, China's Huawei Technologies Co has been working to raise its profile in the United States.
Last week's congressional committee report expressing mistrust of tech giants Huawei and ZTE might curb some Chinese portfolio investors' appetite for US stocks, but managers of buyout firms remain steadfast.
During this year's first three quarters, Chinese enterprises poured $6.3 billion in foreign direct investment in the US.Ministry of Commerce: Blocking investment hurts US
The WTO rejected China's appeal against a panel rulings in a dispute over China's import duties on US grain oriented flat-rolled electrical steel.
US producers of coal used in steelmaking have been seeing once-robust exports slow to a trickle, partly due to reduced demand from China.
The biggest Apple store in Asia will open on Saturday in Beijing and a new Shenzhen Apple store will soon follow, a senior Apple Inc official said.