The resurgent competitiveness of United States manufacturers appears to bolster that nation's position in the global export market and may reshape the world's trade map.
Chinese stocks traded in the United States have been rebounding over the past several months, boosted by beneficial economic and policy environment.
China and Hollywood studios have reached an agreement that allows US companies to recover more than $150 million of revenue-sharing box office receipts.
More Chinese than Americans use a smartphone as their primary media device, but more Americans depend on it so much that they would "never leave home without it", according to a study.
47% Chinese urbanites have smartphones: Google
Alibaba Group, China's largest e-commerce company, has bought a minority stake in online shopping company ShopRunner for $75 million.
Fans and customers in Jiangsu province are hoping that the listing of China Commercial Credit Inc on Nasdaq will indirectly benefit the many cash-starved small companies in the region.
ZTE Corp's selling of its inexpensive "Open" smartphone on e-commerce site eBay will give it deeper market penetration and build up its brand.
The China Three Gorges Corporation (CTGC), which operates the world's largest hydroelectric plant, will partner with US-based nonprofit The Nature Conservancy to make hydropower dams safer for the environment and more profitable.
GDC Technology Ltd said in an e-mail response to China Daily on Monday that a lawsuit filed against the company by IMAX Corp is "baseless". GDC disagrees with and disputes the allegations in the complaint.
Ruckus Wireless Inc of Sunnyvale, California, has teamed up with China Telecom to complete phase one of the state-of-the-art system at Luzhou Medical College in western China.
The International Health Qigong Federation is hosting a series of forums and events in New York and New Jersey, spotlighting an ancient Chinese practice aimed at improving physical and mental well being.
The head of an economic-development authority in Louisiana says it's "on the verge" of announcing projects with its sister city of Weihai after a recent trip to the port city in China.