UAE officer arrested at NY airport

2011-04-13 14:18:52

A military officer from the United Arab Emirates accused of keeping an unpaid servant while attending the Naval War College in Rhode Island has been arrested by federal officials after he boarded an international flight in New York City.

Mubarak in detention for 15 days

2011-04-13 13:55:29

Egypt's prosecutor general on Wednesday ordered a 15-day detention for former president Hosni Mubarak under an investigation into corruption and abuse of power charges.

Iran to continue trial of US hikers in weeks

2011-04-13 10:23:27

Iran's Prosecutor General and Judiciary Spokesman Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Ejeii announced that Tehran would continue trial of the three detained US nationals in weeks

Rival arrested, Ouattara calls for peace

2011-04-13 07:56:15

Cote d'Ivoire's internationally recognized president, Alassane Ouattara, called for peace after his rival was arrested with the help of French forces

Koussa speaks

2011-04-13 07:56:15

The highest profile insider to break with Muammar Gadhafi's regime since Libya's conflict began warned that the country risked becoming engulfed in civil war like Somalia.

AU peace plan rejected by Libyan rebel leaders

2011-04-13 07:56:15

Libyan rebels, backed forcefully by European leaders, rejected a cease-fire proposal by African mediators because it did not insist that Muammar Gadhafi relinquish power.

O'Neill says BRIC nations no longer emerging markets

2011-04-13 07:56:15

LONDON - Ten years ago, Jim O'Neill, chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, coined the term "BRIC". Now he is questioning whether Brazil, Russia, India and China can still be defined as emerging markets.

Australian women destined for frontline military combat positions

2011-04-13 07:56:15

SYDNEY - Australian women could soon be given the right to fight and die for their country by serving in frontline combat positions, Defence Minister Stephen Smith said on Tuesday.

Mubarak hospitalized with heart problems

2011-04-13 06:51:32

Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was abruptly hospitalized Tuesday for heart problems during an investigation over allegations of corruption...

Son of Egypt's Mubarak detained for 15 days

2011-04-12 18:04:22

Gamal Mubarak, son of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, was detained in Cairo for 15 days, a source of the public prosecution told Xinhua.

Gbagbo calls for inter-Cote d'Ivoire dialogue

2011-04-12 15:30:13

Cote d'Ivoire's former president Laurent Gbagbo who was arrested on Monday by pro-Ouattara forces has called for dialogue between civilian protagonists in the country's post-election crisis.

Libyan fighting goes on after peace bid fails

2011-04-12 09:43:34

An African Union plan to halt Libya's civil war collapsed, and rebels said the increasingly bloody siege of the city of Misrata by Muammar Gaddafi's troops made talk of a ceasefire meaningless.