Targeted policies will stop property market overheating

2016-10-20 07:53:20

GDP growth in 2016 has been relying on the growth of new construction starts, however, new construction starts will probably no longer be a key driver next year.

Peaceful competition in space benefits world

2016-10-20 07:53:20

This year China has set a record launching more than 20 objects into space, and the impressive achievements of its space program have caught the attention of the world.

Time to accept academic investigation of achievement

2016-10-20 07:53:20

When a scientist achieves a result that cannot be repeated, there are two possibilities, either mistakes were made in the experiment or the data has been intentionally falsified.

Stability to pave way for more good changes

2016-10-20 07:17:53

With the same growth rate achieved in the first half of the year, China's growth target of between 6.5 and 7 percent for the whole year, is attainable.

TV series shows anti-graft resolve

2016-10-20 07:17:39

A documentary series entitled The Corruption Fight Is Always Underway, produced by the top anti-graft watchdog and China Central Television, began airing on Monday.

Duterte's visit offers chance to turn new page

2016-10-20 08:00:30

That the Philippines has finally seen through the US' hidden agenda in the South China Sea and is making efforts to mend fences with China is ready proof of this.

Spooky pumpkins

2016-10-19 08:41:09

EU talking tough on trade ahead of talks with China

2016-10-18 17:06:10

Soon after Chinese Vice-Premier Ma Kai took part in a high-level economic dialogue with European Union officials three years ago, Beijing and Brussels reached an amicable solution to end their dispute over China's solar panel exports to Europe that had almost frozen bilateral relations for a year.

Watchdogs must not overstep boundaries of supervision

2016-10-19 07:39:42

The discipline inspection departments at all levels should widely solicit public opinions and listen to the appeals lodged by the accused.

Xi's trip advances key economic corridors

2016-10-19 07:39:42

Only when these two corridors see concrete progress will the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road be pushed forward in a balanced way.

Accountability to accomplish tough finale of poverty relief

2016-10-19 07:04:12

A sustainable, lasting solution to poverty, can never be achieved without a persistent government commitment to eradicating inequality.

No long-term yuan devaluation

2016-10-19 07:04:27

The market's anticipation of an interest rate rise by the US Federal Reserve has also increased expectations for a weaker yuan against the US dollar.

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