How China, Russia can counter THAAD threat

2016-07-28 07:50:50

China's top strategic priority is to ease the huge security pressures and meet the challenges created by the US' strategic shift to the Asia-Pacific.

No need to make a song and dance about math

2016-07-28 07:50:50

Although the "Shanghai method" will be used in England's primary schools, it doesn't mean they have turned to the "Chinese education model" to achieve success.

Globalization and its disconnect

2016-07-28 07:50:50

The scope of Globalization 2.0 is far broader, including growing trade in many so-called intangibles-once non-tradable services.

Reforms to rejuvenate State-owned enterprises

2016-07-28 07:13:29

The State Council's latest guideline marks a concrete step toward acceleration of the broader reform of State enterprises.

Netizens need mutual respect

2016-07-28 07:13:11

There is no better place to find nationalism rearing its ugly head than in cyberspace, where reasoned debate often gives way to an outpouring of slurs and invective.

Losses from flight of manufacturing have to be offset

2016-07-28 07:56:20

The government's "Made in China 2025" plan is just right to transform the country into a major global manufacturing power with a technological competitive edge.

Pokemon Go mania

2016-07-27 08:29:23

Duterte can create conditions conducive to resolving disputes

2016-07-27 08:00:30

The Philippines should understand the ruling, which has cost the country tens of millions of US dollars, is nothing but a worthless piece of paper.

High time to reduce costs of floods

2016-07-27 07:54:49

As extreme weather events are becoming a more habitual phenomenon, China is likely to pioneer ambitious experiments toward sustainable economic development.

Rubble, rubble double trouble

2016-07-27 07:54:02

All modern countries are experiencing this pressure of figuring out where to dump the downside of urban development.

Time to turn the page in South China Sea

2016-07-27 07:13:59

The South China Sea disputes, after so much fanfare, seem to be heading toward the right direction of peaceful settlement through bilateral negotiations.

No disorderly yuan depreciation

2016-07-27 07:13:41

This "managed floating" policy adopted by the monetary authorities leaves no room for drastic devaluations of the yuan.