Foreign investors must adapt

2016-01-25 07:39:14

According to the Business Climate Survey recently released by the American Chamber of Commerce in China, 45 percent of respondents reported flat or declining revenues last year, with only 64 percent saying their China businesses were profitable-the lowest proportion in five years.

Global powers must tune actions to defeat IS

2016-01-25 08:04:50

Terrorism is no longer confined to a few countries; it is wreaking havoc across continents and has become a threat to global stability and peace. This calls for leaders across the world to put up a joint fight against terrorist groups, especially the Islamic State group.

Focus of Xi's trip dialogue and development

2016-01-25 08:04:50

Chinese President Xi Jinping concluded his fruitful visit to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Iran over the weekend, his first diplomatic tour to the Middle East region since fully assuming office in 2013.

Extreme cold

2016-01-25 09:13:37

GDP data methodology adheres to accepted standard

2016-01-25 08:04:50

To comprehensively and accurately calculate its GDP data, China has formulated a set of GDP accounting methods that are based on the principles of the System of National Accounts applied by the United Nations and other major international organizations.

Trip signals growing appeal, influence

2016-01-23 09:34:27

The visit by President Xi Jinping to the Middle East has fate-changing, history-making significance.

More subsidies for workers in extreme conditions

2016-01-23 09:34:27

As a cold front sweeps across China, comments such as "people should be given higher wages, as they need heavy jackets and heaters to avoid freezing" have become popular online.

PLA Navy ship serves civilians, builds friendly ties

2016-01-23 09:34:27

It helps build an awesome but pacifist image of the PLA that is closest to that built by General Zheng He 600 years ago.

Simplifying government procedures will boost economy

2016-01-23 09:34:06

Simplifying administrative procedures will also serve as a major step toward promoting supply-side reform.

Cold winter

2016-01-22 10:05:19

Employers will have to pay

2016-01-21 08:16:07

It is essential for the authorities to tackle this pressing problem by seeking to establish such a system and make employers pay a heavier price for not paying their workers.

Nation ready for a more constructive Mideast role

2016-01-21 08:15:47

The Middle East is vital for Beijing not only as a major oil supplier and a potential investment and trade market, but also as a key to the success of its Belt and Road Initiative.