A shared vision for Belt and Road Initiative

2016-11-10 08:25:34

Global challenges such as climate change, global health and security issues require ever-higher degrees of global effort and collaboration if they are to be overcome. This calls for new ideas on how to make global governance work better for all countries and people.

Serve consumers well to make them lead growth

2016-11-10 08:25:34

After a year-on-year increase of 54 percent in 2015, Fung Global Retail & Technology forecast that this year's shopping frenzy would see a 40-percent increase to hit $20 billion.

Sun's unification efforts a valued legacy

2016-11-10 08:25:34

Many Taiwan compatriots feel this pain, which has intensified because of the waning cross-Straits exchanges since Tsai Ing-wen, chairwoman of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party, became the island leader in May.

It's better not to vote at all

2016-11-09 08:48:51

Economic deals to the fore during Modi's Japan visit

2016-11-09 08:24:28

As Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi starts his three-day official visit to Japan on Thursday, he will be expecting to see the already close bilateral relationship rise to a new height, with several major deals set to be inked.

A new equilibrium in Sino-US ties emerging

2016-11-09 08:25:31

The China-US relationship on the whole has been stable during the eight years of Barack Obama's presidency, even achieving some major breakthroughs-on climate change for instance. However, strategic mutual suspicion has increased and bilateral ties have encountered huge difficulties on many occasions.

Hong Kong oath-taking farce violates law

2016-11-09 08:25:31

The political bottom line in Hong Kong is the "One Country, Two Systems" principle, so by advocating "Hong Kong independence" the legislators-elect not only violated the basic political and legal principle, but also threatened national unity.

Break cycle of poverty by putting children first

2016-11-09 08:25:31

No strategy is more effective than to give every child a fair start in life. UNICEF is a proud partner in China and supports National efforts to realize child rights and end child poverty for good.

Hong Kong lawmakers have duty to uphold Basic Law

2016-11-08 08:25:01

The nation's top legislature on Monday clearly set out what is required of those about to take public office in Hong Kong before they can assume their duties in the special administrative region.

New configuration in relations with US

2016-11-08 08:26:01

It is vital that we come up with new approaches to meet the new challenges stemming from the new configuration in bilateral ties, and seek consensus-based solutions.

Reducing inequality remains a challenge

2016-11-08 08:26:01

This will not be easy. China's new middle class may not be willing to accept larger taxes without something in return. The government will have to continue to work on increasing efficiency and quality in delivering public services.