Trans-Pacific divisions come to the fore

2015-08-06 07:39:47

As the TPP imposes standards and rules that are inappropriate to the stage of development of emerging economies, it has potential to freeze rather than speed up their development.

Embarrassing pimple

2015-08-05 07:38:40

Taxing tobacco to reduce expenditures on illnesses

2015-08-05 07:32:07

Every country has the obligation - and the ability - to protect its people's well-being.

Will Paris yield a decisive climate deal?

2015-08-05 07:32:07

Vanishing forests, retreating glaciers, higher temperatures and rising sea levels do not point to a promising future irrespective of what the spin doctors of the market want us to believe.

Xi's tenet of comprehensive governance

2015-08-05 07:32:07

China wants the world to understand Xi's governance. That's good for China, good for the world. US policymakers should take note.


2015-08-04 09:31:50

China has good agenda for global growth

2015-08-04 08:10:22

China's policymakers have long time horizons. Their strategy will doubtless face obstacles in the coming years.

Climate change affects even the most remote

2015-08-04 08:10:22

It is greatly encouraging to see the awareness of the issues involved shown by these principals, and it gives some hope for the future.

Don't simply equate WeChat trade with pyramid selling

2015-08-04 08:10:22

In case you encounter such a business structure on WeChat, be warned that it could be a pyramid selling business and do not hesitate to call the police.

Phubbing is okay when restrained as to occasion

2015-08-03 08:07:18

However, rather than demonize the phubbing phenomenon, we should probably draw a similar conclusion as with other potentially harmful behaviors

FT deal a boost for Nikkei's media profile

2015-08-03 08:07:18

As for Chinese media companies, it is a pity that they did not compete to gain the ownership of the FT.

Iran deal good for China's economic plans

2015-08-03 08:07:18

As one of the P5 nations, China will face severer challenges when the US turns its attention to the East and doubles its efforts to contain China.