Market to set rail ticket prices

2016-02-23 07:17:07

The government must play a supervisory role to make sure the reform is not a one-way street for excessive price increases.

Make urban planning sustainable, visionary

2016-02-23 07:09:02

It sets out the basic principles and key tasks for healthy urban development so that cities are "orderly constructed, properly developed, and efficiently operated".

Brussels shows China good as well as bad face

2016-02-23 08:05:54

The essence of Chinese culture is that its people are willing to replace evil with good when handling disputes and they hope that their goodwill will pay off in a mutually beneficial way.

Competition between China and US primarily economic

2016-02-23 07:58:59

The competition between the two countries is competition over international strategy and policy only to a certain extent.

Abenomics in crisis

2016-02-23 08:20:53

Dual approach to defuse peninsula tensions

2016-02-22 07:50:21

The US and the ROK should suspend, if not terminate their plan for THAAD's deployment in the ROK, before it significantly shatters regional stability.

Competing for global talent recruitment

2016-02-22 08:03:05

China's deepening involvement in global affairs and its adoption of the Belt and Road Initiative, among other strategies, have increased its demand for international talent.

Excuses for HK riot defy common sense

2016-02-22 07:56:11

Many in Hong Kong were always strongly opposed to the "Occupy" movement for fears that it would not be peaceful.

Enticements for talent

2016-02-22 07:10:56

Whether or not this country can tap deeper into the global talent pool rests on its capability to create a talent-friendly policy environment.

New chairman must continue along refrom path for market

2016-02-22 07:05:03

Perhaps the stock market index will rise today following the news over the weekend that the head of China Securities Regulatory Commission has been replaced.