Fishing in troubled waters of no help to Australia

2016-07-15 07:55:06

At the end of one of the country's longest and closest elections in half a century, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull declared victory on Sunday.

The farce of shooting oneself in the foot

2016-07-15 07:52:28

The ruling of the arbitral tribunal in the Philippines' case against China in the South China Sea dispute on Tuesday ignores facts, violates international law and international relations norms.

THAAD poses real threat to security of China

2016-07-15 07:26:04

That does not mean forsaking its commitment to de-nuclearization, or UN resolutions. But Beijing must concentrate more on safeguarding its own interests, both immediate and long-term.

Arbitration award

2016-07-14 07:40:31

Stay sober-minded in face of manipulated ruling

2016-07-14 07:40:46

The arbitral tribunal's award on Tuesday, which tries to deny China's historic claims in the South China Sea and wipe out its rights to resources there, marked an end to the farce disguised as law.

Tribunal acts as agent of external powers

2016-07-14 07:41:14

The Philippines' arbitration case in the South China Sea dispute is a political farce enshrouded in a legal cloak. Its true purpose is to deny China's sovereignty and maritime interests.

Unlawful award only raises regional tensions

2016-07-14 07:41:14

The South China Sea arbitral tribunal in The Hague has made its award in the Philippines' case.

Cold war 2.0

2016-07-13 08:55:53

ASEM is expected to return to its original purpose

2016-07-13 07:47:17

The Asia-Europe Meeting, whose 11th edition will be held in Ulan Bator, Mongolia, on Wednesday, should review its experiences and chart the direction for further development.

Floods expose poor river management

2016-07-13 07:47:17

Residents of a village tend to strengthen the parts of an embankment that are vital to their own safety.

Tribunal null and void from the beginning

2016-07-13 07:47:17

The Hague-based arbitral tribunal on Tuesday passed its ruling on the case unilaterally brought by the Philippines in its dispute with China in the South China Sea, but China remains firm on its stance of "non-acceptance, non-recognition and non-compliance".

Japan trying old tricks to target China

2016-07-13 07:47:17

After assuming the UN Security Council presidency for one month, Japan is once again trying to internationalize the South China Sea issue in the world body. But its efforts will not bear fruit.