Denouncing legislators-elect reflects desire for rule of law

2016-10-28 07:55:36

Chinese people around the world are now watching how their Hong Kong compatriots deal with the insulting and illegal behavior of the two.

Focus of Sixth Plenum on Party discipline

2016-10-28 08:02:28

The politically significant four-day Sixth Plenum of the 18th Communist Party of China Central Committee ended on Thursday, highlighting the challenges the Party faces and how it intends to strengthen strict Party governance.

New jobs are reforms' dividend

2016-10-28 07:55:22

One of the brightest points of China's recently released economic data for the first three quarters is that its employment situation is better than expected.

Calais Jungle

2016-10-27 07:37:49

What the Sixth Plenum will come up with

2016-10-27 07:26:59

The essence of the ongoing Sixth Plenum and the documents it endorses will be general mobilization of the Party's rank and file in the face of practical difficulties.

An unwelcome but needed brake on investment abroad

2016-10-27 07:26:59

An overall review of the rising tide of Chinese outbound investment is badly needed to avoid paying a too dear price for learning risk management.

Duterte's visit has ushered in a new era

2016-10-27 07:26:59

Duterte's visit should help the two sides restore the damaged mutual trust and revitalize their cooperation in infrastructure building, and combating drug trafficking and terrorism.

Major nations need to build trust to suit the times

2016-10-27 07:26:59

In the history of international relations, trust has been a rare commodity, and the lack of trust remains an impediment to genuine partnerships in today's world.

Duterte's unorthodox style shows pragmatic diplomacy

2016-10-27 07:27:50

Duterte's China visit has offered proof that shelving the disputes and concentrating on mutually beneficial development cooperation is the most rewarding choice.

No doctoring of air quality data

2016-10-27 07:27:36

Any deliberate cover-up by them will set a bad example for enterprises and also undermines the public's right to know.

Waste of money

2016-10-26 07:56:57

Vital to carry on battle against graft

2016-10-26 07:40:07

Stricter supervision, as well as relevant regulations, within the Party is needed to keep all members and the powers they wield in check.