Japan cannot move on from the past until it faces up to it squarely

2015-06-29 07:51:00

Only when Japan faces up to its past as Germany has will it be able to achieve reconciliation with those countries which suffered from its aggression and be able to look to the future with clear eyes.

US duplicity on human rights exposed

2015-06-29 07:51:00

If the US cultivates deep inequality under the guise of liberalism, we have reason to question its commitment to equality.

EU, China must turn words into deeds

2015-06-29 07:51:00

There will certainly be difficult times, but if there were not then this would be a sign that our relationship was not deep enough.

China has vital duties as rising power

2015-06-27 10:59:55

Even if the Chinese economy overtakes the United States as the world's largest in the next 10 years, there will still be an obvious gap between their comprehensive powers and the quality of their economies.

Beijing has to win in implementing smoking ban

2015-06-27 10:59:55

The entire country is watching the capital city to see if it can strictly implement the ban. So the smoking ban in Beijing that started with a bang should not end with a whimper.

A manifestation of what China really wants

2015-06-27 10:59:55

While China and the US can gain a lot by collaborating in these areas, they need to give more government support to their enterprises to tap that great potential.

Hand-in-hand after face-to-face talks

2015-06-26 08:33:42

There are important issues where we don't see eye-to-eye. But it doesn't mean we should stop working hand-in-hand.

'Colonial mentality' still haunts Hong Kong

2015-06-26 08:34:37

"New Hong Kong residents" should abandon the old "colonial mentality" and embrace the new era as the master of Hong Kong.

The shifting qualities of 'Made in China'

2015-06-26 07:54:50

China must transition from its role as an imitator and outsourcer for the developed world to become an innovator and creator of solutions.

When will he quit this?

2015-06-26 08:41:22


2015-06-25 09:18:48

Food's protective fence should be stronger still

2015-06-25 07:38:55

To protect us from unsafe food, we've got customs, industry and commerce departments, public security, quarantine officials and so on.