Policy is to consolidate ties with Taiwan

2016-03-17 07:57:01

The island's incoming leader will get the gist of the mainland's goodwill gesture, and refrain from hurting the cross-Straits relationship.

Reform to help tap development potential

2016-03-17 07:24:09

Li assured us he is optimistic about the long-term prospects for the economy, and that his confidence "does not come from nowhere".

Support for Myanmar's leadership

2016-03-17 07:24:09

China is willing to help its neighbor stabilize the domestic situation and push forward its economic development, not least because these are also in China's interests.

AlphaGo victory

2016-03-16 08:57:06

Golden opportunity to embrace green growth

2016-03-16 08:01:19

China has the chance to embrace a sustainable economic growth model that will benefit its people as well as become an example for others to follow.

No need to be pessimistic about economy

2016-03-16 07:31:34

Although breaking the debt-deflation spiral will be difficult, China's economic fundamentals are sound thanks to its high savings rate and relatively strong fiscal position.

China, US capable of ironing out differences

2016-03-16 07:31:34

One superpower like the US is enough for the world; there is no need for a second of the same size because the world cannot endure the consequences.

Rather than threats, peninsula needs talks

2016-03-16 07:31:00

The vicious circle at work on the Korean Peninsula, whereby each side blames the other for being provocative while speaking and acting provocatively, is dangerous.

Judicial center will serve all

2016-03-16 07:31:00

The establishment of a maritime judicial center is aimed at more effectively dealing with these cases and promoting domestic law enforcement.

No escape

2016-03-15 08:36:42

A new concept and drive to reduce poverty

2016-03-15 08:07:27

Targeted poverty relief is very important for China to meet the poverty alleviation target set out in the Rural Poverty Relief and Development Outline (2011-20).

West not the guardian of human rights

2016-03-15 08:07:27

The US has serious human rights problems of its own and, as such, does not have the right to criticize China's human rights record.