Why visits to Yasukuni are unacceptable

2015-08-27 07:46:43

Shinto's expansionist ideology evolved into militarism and turned Japan into a brutal military power seeking foreign expansion through the use of forces.

One Hugo Award does not a sci-fi culture make

2015-08-27 07:46:43

Despite Liu's personal achievements, sci-fi writing is still in a rather depressing stage in China judging by the overall standard of works.

Only real economic growth can calm stock market turmoil

2015-08-27 07:46:43

In the long run, share prices in a healthy stock market should reflect the performance of listed companies which, on the whole, is determined by the health of the economy.

Amnesty balanced act of confidence and humanity

2015-08-27 07:46:43

The amnesty granted to some convicts shows China is confident of its development path, theory and system thanks to the Party's ruling capability.

Raising Tibetans' livelihoods

2015-08-27 07:57:58

Ethnic solidarity and social stability in Tibet and the Tibetan-populated areas play a significant role in national unity and security.

World economy still resilient against crisis

2015-08-27 07:57:58

Backed by its ample foreign exchange reserves, China has adequate ammunition to prevent the domestic situation from worsening.

Stock markets

2015-08-26 08:41:51

How to mark Sino-American WWII alliance

2015-08-26 08:02:23

The US should remind itself of its historical role in healing the wartime animosity between China and Japan at a time when relations between them are strained.

China can help to make the world a safer place

2015-08-26 07:50:52

If indeed the rise of China is the most important event of the 21 century, the message from the Tian'anmen Square parade is clear: The PLA can help to make the world a safer place.

Arresting bought leniency

2015-08-26 08:15:07

Life imprisonment without parole and without a reduction in the term of imprisonment will serve as a suitably severe punishment for serious corruption.

Why this unnecessary fuss over navy drills by China and Russia?

2015-08-26 08:08:28

Unlike the military alliance between the United States and Japan, which is dominated by the former, military ties between China and Russia are based on equality and mutual respect.

Korean Peninsula needs more talks

2015-08-26 07:51:10

More diplomatic efforts are needed among the parties concerned so as to foster long-term resolve to establish peace and stability on the peninsula.