Obama's climate initiative

2016-02-15 08:26:33

Riot in HK unjustifiable

2016-02-15 07:24:00

The riot has dealt a blow to the city's law and order and presented a grave challenge.

On the right track for quality development

2016-02-15 08:14:01

When it comes to Chinese growth, needs to stop panicking about the easy figures and start thinking about the real issues.

Diplomacy displays clear global vision

2016-02-15 08:19:38

China is also demonstrating greater awareness and ability in its global strategic deployment.

Stay alert to major powers' meddling in Asia 

2016-02-15 07:59:21

China needs to keep pursuing their support and stay alert to the meddling of major powers.

China-bashing? No, not again

2016-02-06 08:44:44

It is US election season again, so it must be time to attack China on everything to do with economic and trade matters.

A good and effective law to fight terrorism

2016-02-06 08:34:19

China is a victim of terrorism, and to fight the menace and better protect its national interests, it has been strengthening its security measures.

A solution to the problem of left-behind kids

2016-02-06 08:26:17

Premier Li Keqiang announced an overall policy arrangement of providing care for left-behind children, who live in rural hometown while their parents migrate to cities for work.

Economic transition needs breathing space

2016-02-05 08:05:49

China's top economic planner said on Wednesday that the country's 2015 economic growth rate was within a reasonable range.

The Year of the Monkey

2016-02-05 08:22:12

Fulfill promise of the year

2016-02-05 08:05:49

The biggest contribution the government can make to a truly happy Year of the Monkey, however, is to be sensible in its decision-making.

Why China mistrusts Western speculators

2016-02-05 08:04:34

These warnings are really directed generically rather than individually - at the global class of fast-buck investment jackals that care for no one's welfare other than their own.