Economic corridor benefits not just China and Pakistan

2016-05-18 08:06:54

The idea for a China-Pakistan Economic Corridor would not have seen the light of the day if the two countries did not share the trust needed for such a long-term, multi-dimensional mega-project.

High-level visit to HK to 'observe, listen and speak'

2016-05-18 07:04:14

Whoever speaks with him should take full advantage of this opportunity to present to the NPC chairman their aspirations for the development of the SAR.

Nip referendum move in the bud

2016-05-18 07:03:59

Cross-Straits relations are facing a testing time as May 20, when Taiwan's top leader-elect is scheduled to take office, draws near.

Authorities must make education fairer

2016-05-17 07:50:36

It's unreasonable to only take the reduction of the enrollment quota into consideration while ignoring the fact that the number of candidates taking the exam is declining.

Divide in South China Sea serious, but under control

2016-05-17 07:50:36

Despite all the media hype about potential military confrontation in the region, it is unlikely that they are the intended result of the US' actions.

Tough task ahead for Japan's new China ambassador

2016-05-17 07:50:36

The embassy has played a limited role in the Abe administration, which has preferred to tackle bilateral issues through national security chief Shotaro Yachi.

Sino-US communication can dispel misperceptions

2016-05-17 07:11:32

The text of the Pentagon's unclassified 2016 report on China's military and security developments has already provoked "strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition" from Beijing.

Reasonable to reject arbitration

2016-05-17 07:10:44

China should make use of available international occasions to clarify its stance and prove the "inefficacy" of the forced arbitration case.

Faster internet broadband speed

2016-05-16 08:19:10

Europe must not let itself be guided by fear

2016-05-16 07:54:11

Semantics are often the cause of misunderstandings, and this is true of the debate in the European Union over whether or not to grant China market economy status.

'Landslide' EU vote result is less than it may appear

2016-05-16 07:54:11

The EU should recognize that more opportunities will occur as China continues to push forward its market-oriented reforms and open-up further.