Historic handshake

2016-03-22 08:45:57

High-income status an achievable dream

2016-03-22 07:48:05

If the recent research debunking the middle-income trap is correct, China has a very good chance of succeeding in becoming a high-income economy with similar vigor.

Share onus to resettle laid-off workers

2016-03-22 07:48:05

The resettlement funds for laid-off workers are aimed at protecting workers' vital interests, and helping expedite reform and industrial restructuring.

Childcare is father's job as much as it is mother's

2016-03-22 07:48:05

An increasing number of Japanese fathers want to help their wives in taking care of their children, especially if their wives decide to keep working after giving birth.

An administrative shift for the better

2016-03-22 07:48:05

The relocation of local government offices is basically about political decision-making, but its success depends largely on market-oriented rules.

Long road ahead for US-Cuba ties after visit

2016-03-22 07:24:27

Washington's overtures to Havana today are in themselves an admission that decades of US endeavors to maneuver "regime change" in Cuba have failed.

Misjudgment of ratings agency

2016-03-22 07:24:27

China's long-term economic development trend will not be swayed by prejudiced and non-objective opinions from any international ratings agency.

World Forest Day

2016-03-21 07:54:16

No need to exaggerate economic headwinds

2016-03-21 07:08:08

Despite the challenges, China is determined to keep GDP growth at a minimum of 6.5 percent this year while pressing ahead with economic restructuring.

US actions danger to itself

2016-03-21 07:08:08

Washington should know that the more provocative moves it makes against China, the more counter-measures Beijing will take.

Blindfold should be removed to see real Asia

2016-03-19 09:37:01

It's high time such people gave up their arrogance, removed their blindfold and discovered an open and fast-developing China and the real Asia.

Time to put AI knowledge to use

2016-03-19 09:22:35

The application of the technology is valuable, but more valuable is the idea of combining a blood-sugar-monitoring device with contact lenses.