East Asian integration restarts on bumpy road

2016-08-24 07:09:33

When Beijing canceled a scheduled visit by a diplomatic envoy meant to clear the way for the annual China-Japan-Republic of Korea foreign ministers' meeting in Tokyo, there were worries that it might not happen this year.

G20 set to become a global concert of powers

2016-08-24 07:29:58

Comprising the world's 20 largest economies, including the European Union, the G20 has become a de facto global concert attended by a wide range of regional powers and international institutions.

Trump Godzilla

2016-08-24 08:02:41

Beijing-Manila cooperation on practical areas

2016-08-23 08:13:37

As Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte's special envoy, Fidel Ramos has become an icebreaker in Sino-Philippine relations. Former Philippine president Ramos' recent visit to Hong Kong to meet with "Chinese friends".

The pains of structural transformation

2016-08-23 08:05:10

For more than a year, headlines worldwide have been pointing to a Chinese economic slowdown. But a closer look at regional dynamics within China tells a different story-one that is less about deceleration than changing gears.

THAAD will not bring Seoul security

2016-08-23 07:53:35

China has not banned the Republic of Korea's entertainment products and showbiz celebrities in response to Seoul allowing the United States to deploy the Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense system on the ROK soil.

Zika virus

2016-08-23 09:42:40

Japan's deficit

2016-08-22 08:41:33

Japan's deficit

Sports and drugs made for each other?

2016-08-22 08:23:00

'It breaks my heart and I wish somebody would do something about it," said golden boy Michael Phelps almost two weeks ago. He was referring to the use of drugs, performance-enhancing drugs, in sports.

G20 summit will yield blueprint for growth

2016-08-22 08:08:43

At such a critical juncture, China has the duty, the capacity and the confidence to seek greater consensus with the other G20 members, so the upcoming G20 Summit in Hangzhou can blaze new trails for the world's economic development.

Lessons from the United States of Athletics

2016-08-22 08:11:44

Intellectual development is but one of the many developments a person needs. Over the years I have had many opportunities to learn from American parents and educators why they put children through sports.

Poor logic in Australia's move to block grid bid

2016-08-22 07:44:20

Australia has been a favorite destination for Chinese investors because of its abundant resources and geographic proximity to China. But since the mid-2000s Australia has rejected a number of Chinese investments.