Opportunities for all as China pursues eco-friendly growth

2016-03-15 08:07:27

China will take a greener path to economic development and thus create more opportunities for domestic as well as foreign enterprises.

Racist remarks smell of gunpowder

2016-03-15 07:37:34

The negative influence Trump's campaign has had in the US and beyond is enough to testify to the existence of some latent problems in the US election system.

West's name-calling only intensifies contradictions

2016-03-15 07:37:34

A face-off like this forebodes a tough time ahead, and risks throwing the China-West dialogue on human rights back to its starting point.


2016-03-14 09:56:58

Moves to strengthen the rule of law

2016-03-14 08:19:52

The protection of criminal suspects' human rights directly reflects how high the level of rule of law and judiciary is in a country.

No alternative to better education quality

2016-03-14 08:19:52

To ensure that people really enjoy the benefits of free education, the authorities should not compromise on the quality of education children get despite the waiver in tuition fees.

HK road to riches passes through mainland

2016-03-14 08:19:52

Hong Kong's development is closely related to that of the rest of the country, hence it should position itself well and set its own goals within the national development strategy.

Abenomics is not faring as well as hoped

2016-03-14 08:19:52

The growing uncertainties over the economy have discouraged Japan's companies from offering significant wage hikes that are vital for more consumer spending.

No progress is small in protecting rights and law

2016-03-14 08:16:55

The concept of human rights was unthinkable prior to the beginning of China's reform and opening-up, when the legal system and its professional staff were practically nonexistent.

Immunity not a human right

2016-03-14 08:16:55

Protecting human rights does not mean endowing those disturbing China's political order with the privilege of immunity from the law.

AI raises profound philosophical questions

2016-03-12 09:41:33

Famous world Go player Lee Se-dol has lost the first two of his five-game match with AlphaGo, an artificial intelligence, or AI, program developed by Google, in Seoul.

THAAD seeking a hare in a hen's coop

2016-03-12 09:37:07

The deployment of THAAD on the Korean Peninsula can only set a bad example, of how anger and angst can overpower and replace rational response. It is like seeking a hare in a hen's coop.