Strategy needed to balance population structure

2015-11-11 08:03:47

The two-child policy is a welcome change, for instead of "controlling" the second child, it "encourages" couples to have two children.

Money shouldn't be used to inflate asset bubbles

2015-11-11 08:03:47

If China's government is to prevent a debt-deflation spiral from causing a hard landing, it should shift its focus to targeted expansionary fiscal policy.

Hope for continuity and change in Myanmar

2015-11-11 07:29:36

During the past four years, Myanmar has opened up, revealing the country's mammoth problems and challenges, especially those related to race and religion.

Australia clears way for trade opportunities

2015-11-11 07:42:05

The FTA with Australia shows China is honoring its commitment to playing the role of a banner bearer for global free trade and safeguarding the world's multilateral trade system.

App ups public's supervision

2015-11-11 07:42:05

The app, if widely applied, is expected to open a more convenient channel for public monitoring of officials and prompt them to improve their working style.

US must do more than just paying lip service to the world order

2015-11-11 08:03:30

It seems the Pentagon chief has a penchant only for pointing the finger at others while refusing to acknowledge the egg on the face of Uncle Sam.

Before & after heating

2015-11-10 07:34:28

Reform and appropriate policies can support growth

2015-11-10 08:16:38

The implementation of proactive fiscal policies and increased investment will serve as the most direct means to push up the country's economic growth rate.

Maternity insurance key to promoting new family planning policy

2015-11-10 08:16:38

The government should make maternity insurance an integral part of the social insurance system if it wants to minimize the problems posed by the fast aging population.

EU should urge US to stop distrusting China

2015-11-10 08:16:38

China should not be urged to shoulder more international responsibilities without the other global powers sharing their part of the responsibilities.

TPP not a real challenge for China's economy

2015-11-10 07:39:38

The TPP is more of a psychological instrument used by the US to "cry wolf" and in all likelihood it will have little impact on China's foreign trade next year.

Consumer demand more than indicated

2015-11-10 08:06:32

To have a good grasp of the transition of the Chinese economy, one may need to have a reality check and accept that the traditional customs' data do not tell the whole story.