Cleaner air a reality for Beijingers thanks to new smoke-free law

2015-07-02 07:53:38

Fixing indoor air pollution caused by second-hand smoke can happen overnight by making public places 100 percent smoke-free.

Cleaner air now a reality for Beijingers thanks to new Smoke-free Law

2015-07-01 14:06:40

On June 1, Beijing’s new smoking control law came into effect. The Beijing law is the toughest tobacco control law in China to date.


2015-07-02 09:04:38

Abe should heed the call of reason and peace

2015-07-01 09:34:28

Japan has reached a tipping point on Abe’s ill-considered political choice, which has been criticized by many righteous people in Japan.

New travel rule to boost cross-Straits ties

2015-07-01 07:56:12

And in the long run, the mainland's attempt to improve cross-Straits personnel exchanges will inject vigor into the ongoing integration process between the two sides.

Beginning of AIIB epoch benefits all

2015-07-01 07:56:12

US participation in the AIIB will be very much in the interest of American companies, cities and states, and Washington itself.

Tripartite benefit

2015-07-01 09:13:46

AIIB shows center of world economic gravity moving east

2015-06-30 09:25:57

The future operation of the AIIB may face many challenges and uncertainty, but the AIIB has signified the rapid emergence of China, India and other developing and transitional economies.

Inclusiveness of AIIB lays ground for common growth

2015-06-30 07:43:43

The AIIB will also uphold high standards and follow international rules in its operation, policy-making and management to ensure efficiency.

Partners working together

2015-06-30 07:43:58

China and the EU should respect and listen to each other, and fully commit to dialogue and cooperation.


2015-06-30 09:13:20


2015-06-29 08:05:05